Mid-semester examinations are an important part of the academic calendar, serving as a checkpoint for students to assess their progress and understanding of the course material. For the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, these examinations have been scheduled to take place from Monday, 10th July to Friday, 14th July, 2023. It is important for students to be well-prepared and approach these exams with focus and dedication.


During the mid-semester examinations, the mode of assessment will be face-to-face. This means that students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a traditional classroom setting. This mode of examination allows for direct interaction between students and instructors, enabling a comprehensive evaluation of the students' understanding of the subject matter.


To ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations, certain measures have been put in place. General courses will be written from Monday, 10th July to Wednesday, 12th July, 2023. As a result, lectures will be suspended on the days when these general courses are scheduled. This allows students to fully concentrate on their exams without any additional academic commitments.


Departments have been requested to schedule the writing of departmental courses during their regular lecture periods. This approach ensures that lecturers can have maximum contact with their students and provide additional guidance and support where needed. By aligning the examination schedule with the regular lecture timetable, students will have the advantage of revisiting course material in a familiar environment.


Inclusivity is an important aspect of education, and the mid-semester examinations are no exception. The heads of departments and examination officers are responsible for making arrangements with the Department of Special Education to ensure that students with special needs can participate smoothly in the examinations. This ensures that every student, regardless of their specific requirements, has equal opportunities to showcase their knowledge and abilities.


It is crucial for all deans and heads of departments to take note of these arrangements and ensure strict compliance. By adhering to these guidelines, the examinations can be conducted efficiently and fairly, providing a conducive environment for students to demonstrate their understanding and skills.

Mid-semester examinations are a significant milestone in the academic journey of students. With the scheduled dates, face-to-face mode of assessment, and the necessary arrangements for students with special needs, these examinations aim to provide a comprehensive evaluation of students' progress and understanding. It is important for students to make the most of this opportunity by preparing thoroughly and seeking clarification on any areas of confusion. Good luck to all the students participating in the mid-semester examinations!